

Please review COVID-19 Guidelines.

If you are not feeling well or potentially contagious, please reschedule. If you have a fever, please reschedule. Getting a massage when ill can make the illness worse and infect myself and others in my office. Masks are encouraged when feeling unwell, even if you don’t think you’re sick.

Inclement Weather policy:

Safety first! Weather can change dramatically in a short time. If either of us is unable to get to the clinic safely, we will reschedule the appt and no fee will be charged. Communication the day of or the day before is essential.


Brownstone Bodywork is a scent free clinic. Strong scents can trigger health issues in other patients, my co-workers, and myself. Please refrain from scented products like perfumes, colognes, scented lotion, hair products, body spray, essential oils, etc. Likewise please be free of strong body odors and please refrain from smoking and/or vaping at least 30 minutes before your appt.


Do not come to your appt under the influence of mind altering substances (like alcohol or drugs). If you do, you will be rescheduled and charged the full amount. There is a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior. The session will end immediately and you will be charged the full amount.


Payment will be collected at the end of the session via card, check, cash, or “tap to pay”. Patients may also leave a credit or debit card online through Square.


24 hour notice is required for rescheduling/canceling appointments. Late cancels or missed appointments will be charged the full amount (unless there is an emergency). If you are running late please contact me as soon as you know. Your appointment will be the same length of time and you will be charged the full amount - though I will work with you if I am able. Habitual lateness will require the appointment to be paid in advance. (IE a card will be held online and charged before the appointment.) I also know that life happens so everyone is given one “Oops” missed appointment a year.


Please note that this is your session. Communication is very important. If you need the temperature, pressure, music, lights, etc changed please let me know.