Craniosacral Therapy for Animals


Craniosacral Therapy for animals…

is a medical modality that work deep restrictions and strains in the central nervous system and connective tissue.

The cranial system

includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial bones (head, face, mouth) and spine (from the top of the neck to the end of the tail).

The cranial fluid protects the brain and spinal cord and its movement creates a rhythm practitioners use to palpate restrictions, encourage the body’s innate healing process, and remedy restrictions in the body from the inside out.

For animals

we modify the techniques we use in humans to work with the unique bone structure of our quadruped friends.

Craniosacral therapy can be effective in a variety of cases. It is light touch and can be very relaxing.

A light touch

Craniosacral therapy can be helpful for pain, digestive issues, cancer side effects, injury, and more.

I am trained in equine and small animal craniosacral therapy.